Abandoned Manor
Release date: Apr 25, 2024
Abandoned Manor
Release date: Apr 25, 2024
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The abandoned palace, majestically emerging from the dense forest, bears traces of time. Through its ruined walls it is possible to see echoes of its former glory. The small garden is lush with vegetation, and then the buildings lead to the tower towering above them. Beneath the palace there is a network of mysterious corridors and the last former vineyard. The atmosphere of mystery and oblivion mixes with melancholy and sadness, prompting reflection on the fragility of people’s achievements.
And like always remember after every 🔥 >>> 10 reviews <<< 🔥 we will make a new free update. This time we back to original concept 👀 Pick in review the option you prefer. Based on that, we will make a chosen update for you ;)
additional at least 5 new unique objects and at least 10 new packed actors compositions from existing content (architecture/foliage)map version with very much higher FPS. With standard lighting pipeline to work on much older PC.new sample map + new lighting scenario
You decide in reviews! Hurry – we only wait until the end of June 2024. Depends on you, how much new content we will make to the package! ;)
It’s ended, without hit a goal. But of course we prepare some update for you! Mainly performance improvements with increasing over 15 FPS, reduce number of material slots and many other smaller changes! :) Update 1 is there! We also already added new DEMO. This time also with DLSS enable and event much higher FPS – check this by yourself in demo section! ;)
You can use our demo-level layout however you want, without or with changes. All commercial.
All the screens and video was recorded on UE 5.1.
Check our other products here based on scans: Unreal Marketplace. Find out more information about us HERE
Should fit perfectly with our Medieval Fantasy Ruins or Cemetery.
Technical Details
- Lumen lighting and UE5 nanite support
- Photogrammetry and properly optimized assets for games
- Best quality maps ready to use in your games and films
Number of Unique Meshes: around 220 (more than 400 with variations)
Collision: Yes – mostly automatically generated
Triangle Fallback Count: around 2-5k
LODs: Yes – mostly automatically generated
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 350
Number of Textures: 440
Texture Resolutions: Definitely most of them in 4k with maximum possible quality.
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: Should work like our other packages
Documentation: CHECK
This product supports Nanite for Unreal Engine 5.1+
Important/Additional Notes:
For Sky-textures we used great CC0 free textures from PolyHaven: LINK
This pack includes a mannequin by Epic Games for presentation.
The majority of assets are fully new, but we used few of our assets from Cemetery package. And as always, we share between packages some foliage and effects assets. They could have different names to adjust to Epic requirements process. If that could be your concern, and you need more details, please write to us at support@scansfactory.com
Looks Amazing, Highly Recommend!
I wanted to update this review. It would be nice if you provided a toggle to switch the play ratio on or off. I get it, very cinematic, but I don’t like the reduced screen size. But, I must say, this is the most impressive environment I have seen on the Marketplace. The quality is amazing, everything holds up, far away and up close. The meshes and materials are what you find in AAA games. The example map is a masterpiece. Shows what can be done with this kitbash. If you don’t pick this up on sale your really missing out. Great learning tool, and it is modular enought to let you create your own masterpiece. Love it…. I know the time has expired, but can you please consider providing more updates, and add more meshes. Can’t wait to see what you come up with next. Very pleased, and highly recommend.
Latest Reply from Publisher
Thanks for the review!
Black bars are our choice of making stuff closer to films. Also pretty similar like in recent Hellblade game. It is visible only with our pawn, and you can turn this off by unplug aspect ratio changes there. We will also add this to the documentation as more people ask about that. If any problems let us know at support@scansfactory.com.
Visually good, some flows from technical and usability points
Visual quality is great as usual!
As for tech perspective and usability points – had discussion with Adam on my concerns and he assured me that at least some of them will be fixed.
Have no reason not to trust :)
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Sent you details on email. Hope it helps to narrow down the issues.
Best regards, Astaror :)
Latest Reply from Publisher
Thanks for good words about visuals! :)
And about performance, please take into account that we are doing packages to work for games with performance you can find in our DEMO(and it works!). We have also different customers expectations of Virtual Production quality and working enough for the games. And I think it works that way in our project.
In matters of textures. First time we decided to give all of you maximum textures we have. For cinematic, it’s just great to have them for closeups. Closer to games and more strict performance reasons, you can always cut them easily in the engine as you wish.
Of course, if some window-frame have 19 materials, it looks like a bug. We will check it. And if you can help, it will be great if you can send us information at support@scansfactory.com. If that does not help, let us know too!
//edit. Ok team find it too. You have right. We will tackle the problem and make it much better. Sorry for inconvenient, and thanks for pointing it out!
I hope after all your opinion could upgrade and you will find our package useful :)
High quality product. I have purchased three of their environments. I look forward to what’s next.
Another great asset!
Yet another great pack!
Amazing work and great assets as always.
Looks great
Looks exactly like the videos, perfect. would love to see a high FPS version for the update. Thanks !
What a great asset pack!
There are just enough meshes in the pack to build just about any type of run down building. Plus the prebuilds are nice. They are great for prototyping a level. The lighting is rather good too. Im currently going to use some of if not the complete set in a game. So far The only grip I have is that it is a little demanding on resources. But I feel like thats just me being a little overzealous with my project. Great job people.
Latest Reply from Publisher
On behalf of us and our clients, we thank you for detail review! Great to see such feedback!
And remember, you can choose the update ;) One of that is version with standard lighting pipeline and much higher FPS :)
Another one!! Goodjob
Latest Reply from Publisher
JS You are the best! Thank you!
Remember – you can pick an update in the review! ;)
Absolutely superb!
This is an amazing piece of kit. The details are off the chart, with tons of peices to make a very nice compound.
They even went through the trouble of creating Packed Level Actors for the pre-made buildings.
Latest Reply from Publisher
Thank you very much for your kind words! Remember about choosing one of the future update in your review! ;)
And great that packed level actors are useful for you. Great feature of UE5! ;)
Great scene
Just buy it with your eyes closed
Latest Reply from Publisher
We hope the reward is worth that! ;) Thank you for the review. Remember about choosing one of the updates!
Excellent Scans
Top quality scanned objects again. Loving the roofs, damaged walls, wood supports, archs and other.
Latest Reply from Publisher
Thank you very much for leaving such a nice review! ;)
Remember, we go back to the original concept of upgrades, and you can choose what you want to see in the updates! ;)
I was wondering when this will go on sale again?
Thank you!
Latest Answer from Publisher
Should be in upcoming months ;)
As for now, we made Update 1. Should be available soon.
In meantime, we prepared new DEMO which you can check also with DLSS.
Medieval Fort/castle?
Hey, would like to know if you plan to put a medieval castle/fortress on the marketplace in the foreseeable future?
Latest Answer from Publisher
Hey, unfortunately not in the near future :)
5.4 update
Hello are there plans to update this to be compatible with 5.4?
Latest Answer from Publisher
Of course. But we are waiting for more stable version of UE 5.4. From our experience, very often those initial versions 5.4.0 have some problems which will be repair by Epic in next version fixes. But I hope it will be official update very soon ;)
50% launch discount
I’ve just seen this on the launch. If I’m not mistaken, there was no disccount.
Latest Answer from Publisher
As there is no official feature like “launch discount” yet, we did it by ourselves by changing the base price since the beginning. In the future we will back with base price and all the discounts should be very good visible with Unreal Marketplace official label ;)
Demo Version
Hi. Could you make a demo version? as in the Cemetery package. I bought the cemetery package thanks to your demo!))
Latest Answer from Publisher
Thanks for supporting our work! ;) There will be for sure, but hard to say when exactly. We are just testing it on different PC configurations with help of our Discord Channel Community. There you can find it in non-final version. Of course all the potential fixes will be included in the package itself :)
Had to login just to complement you guys, outstanding work!!!!
glad your sticking to european medieval content, this and the last packages are your best work, you guys just keep getting better and better, I’ve been looking for balustrades like those for ages and the railing, just amazing.
Latest Answer from Publisher
Thank you very much! I hope we will stick with that, we could be better and better with every package!
Extra thanks for the effort you put into leaving a comment! It’s always great after putting a lot of hard work into it ;)
Have a nice day!
Looks great
Wow. Unreal Market’s best environment creator strikes again with another winner.
Latest Answer from Publisher
Nice of you! It means a lot to us. It’s always great to offer the best quality possible. A long journey, but I hope it was worth it! ;)
Thank you!